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Admission Open for Academic Session 2025-26


Till Exams


Offline classroom program

Batch Starting Date

20th March 2025

Early Bird Admission Last Date

25th Feb 2025

Subjects Offered

Science, Mathematics, Social Science, English

Here is IPA’s Term Plan for each Class


  1. Matter in Our Surroundings
  2. Fundamental Unit of Life: Cell


  1. Number System
  2. Polynomials

Social Science

  1. The French Revolution (History)
  2. Size and Location (Geography)
  3. What is Democracy? Why Democracy? (Political Science)
  4. The Story of Village Palampur (Economics)


  1. Determiners
  2. Story Writing
  3. The Fun They Had
  4. The Sound of Music
  5. The Road Not Taken
  6. Wind
  7. The Lost Child


  1. Is Matter Around Us Pure
  2. Motion


  1. Coordinate Geometry
  2. Linear Equation in Two Variables
  3. Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Social Science

  1. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution (History)
  2. Physical Features of India (Geography)
  3. Constitutional Design (Political Science)
  4. People as Resources (Economics)


  1. Tenses
  2. Reported Speech
  3. Diary Entry
  4. The Little Girl
  5. A Truly Beautiful Mind
  6. The Snake & the Mirror
  7. Rain on the Roof
  8. The Adventure of Toto


  1. Tissue
  2. Force and Laws of Motion


  1. Lines and Angles
  2. Triangles

Social Science

  1. The Rise of Hitler (History)
  2. Drainage (Geography)
  3. Electoral Politics (Political Science)
  4. Poverty as a Challenge (Economics)


  1. Modals
  2. Descriptive Paragraph
  3. Iswaran the Storyteller
  4. My Childhood
  5. In the Kingdom of Fools
  6. A Legend of the Northland


  1. Atoms & Molecules
  2. Gravitation
  3. Improvement in Food Resources


  1. Quadrilateral
  2. Circles

Social Science

  1. Pastoralism in the Modern World (History)
  2. Climate (Geography)
  3. Working of Institutions (Political Science)
  4. Food Security in India (Economics)


  1. Concord
  2. Reach for the Top (Part 1 & 2)
  3. Nomen are Foreign
  4. The Happy Prince
  5. The Last Leaf
  6. Kathmandu


  1. Structure of Atom
  2. Work and Energy
  3. Sound


  1. Heron’s Formula
  2. Surface Area and Volumes
  3. Statistics

Social Science

  1. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (Geography)
  2. Population (Geography)
  3. Democratic Rights (Political Science)


  1. A House is not a Home
  2. On Killing a Tree
  3. If I Were You
  4. A Slumber did My Spirit Seal
  5. The Beggar

Test and Revision

  • Chapter-wise Tests |
  • Full-length Mock Tests |
  • Previous Year Questions |
  • Concept Revision Notes |
  • Formula Sheets & Shortcuts


  1. Chemical Reactions and Equations
  2. Life Process


  1. Real Numbers
  2. Polynomials
  3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Social Science

  1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe (History)
  2. Resources and Development (Geography)
  3. Power Sharing (Political Science)
  4. Development (Economics)


  1. Determiners
  2. Concord
  3. Letter Writing
  4. A Letter to God
  5. Nelson Mandela
  6. Dust of Snow
  7. Fire & Ice
  8. Triumph of Surgery


  1. Light
  2. Acid, Base & Salt


  1. Quadratic Equations
  2. Arithmetic Progression
  3. Triangles

Social Science

  1. Nationalism in India (History)
  2. Forest and Wildlife Resources (Geography)
  3. Federalism (Political Science)
  4. Sectors of Indian Economy (Economics)


  1. Tenses
  2. Reported Speech
  3. Two Stories about Flying
  4. A Tiger in the Zoo
  5. From the Diary of Anne Frank
  6. How to Tell Wild Animals
  7. The Thief’s Story
  8. The Midnight Visitor


  1. Control and Coordination
  2. Human Eye
  3. Metals and Non-Metals


  1. Coordinate Geometry
  2. Introduction to Trigonometry
  3. Some Applications of Trigonometry

Social Science

  1. The Making of Global World (History)
  2. Water Resources (Geography)
  3. Gender Religion and Caste (Political Science)
  4. Money and Credit (Economics)


  1. Modals
  2. Analytical Paragraph
  3. Glimpses of India
  4. The Ball Poem
  5. A Question of Trust
  6. Footprints Without Feet
  7. Mijbil the Otter
  8. Fog


  1. Reproduction
  2. Electricity
  3. Carbon and Its Compounds


  1. Circles
  2. Area Related to Circles
  3. Surface Areas and Volumes

Social Science

  1. Print and Culture & Modern World (History)
  2. Agriculture (Geography)
  3. Political Rights (Political Science)
  4. Globalization and the Indian Economy (Economics)


  1. The Making of a Scientist
  2. The Necklace
  3. Madam Rides the Bus
  4. Sermon at Benares
  5. The Trees
  6. The Tale of Custard the Dragon


  1. Heredity
  2. Electricity
  3. Magnetic Effects of Current


  1. Statistics
  2. Probability

Social Science

  1. Minerals and Energy Resources (Geography)
  2. Manufacturing Industries (Geography)
  3. Outcomes of Democracy (Political Science)


  1. The Proposal
  2. Bholi
  3. For Anne Gregory
  4. The Book That Saved the Earth

Test and Revision

  • Chapter-wise Tests |
  • Full-length Mock Tests |
  • Previous Year Questions |
  • Concept Revision Notes |
  • Formula Sheets & Shortcuts